Wine Tasting in France

Wine Tasting in France

I am sure you have heard the expression “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”?Well, I would like to say “When in France, go for a wine tasting!”France is one of the world’s largest wine producers and exporters. Some say that they are number...
Travel Within France

Travel Within France

Are you planning to travel in France during your vacation? What is the best way to travel around France? There is no simple answer to that question. There are many factors to consider before deciding on how to get to your destinations. Where are you going? How...
The French are Still Kind

The French are Still Kind

This article has been written by Sandy Shroyer for Renestance as a guest blogger. You can find follow her adventures in her blog at you read about the kindness of French strangers a few weeks ago, you may recall our first trip to...

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