As you may have seen from our Meet the Team page – all of us at Renestance have had our own unique experience of moving to France. Collectively we have lived here over 50 years and individually we all have our own areas of expertise. We thought it would be a bit...
Want to know how to get a French permis de conduire? It may depend on whether you have a Driving Licence or a Driver’s License! Read more in this comprehensive guide for English speakers on how to get a French driver’s license (permis de...
“School’s out!” The summer holidays have begun and the kids are on vacation. This weekend in France, voices across the nation will be singing ‘La Marseillaise’ and celebrating Bastille Day, a national holiday in France (‘la...
If you’ve ever taken a trip to a new destination and instantly fallen in love with a city – its skyline, its people, its energy – then you know that it can be tempting to consider packing up house and home and relocating to your new-found paradise....
It takes courage to move to a foreign country. When you are single and retired, it takes even more. Would you even consider it, if that country is almost 6000 miles away and you haven’t spoken the local language for 30 years?The dream of a new life in France is...
We had been talking about doing it for ages, and on Friday 23 March we finally held our first Renesting in France seminar. Our goal was to pack into one day as much essential information about living in France as possible. Our esteemed partners and we succeeded, and...
The ‘South of France’ is so much more than Provence and the Riviera. For example, have you ever heard of the Pyrénées-Orientales? It’s one of the lesser-known departments in Occitanie (former Languedoc-Roussillon). Bordering Spain and...
Driving in France can be quite a challenge at times, particularly if you’ve only just arrived! The French do have a reputation for being maniacs on the road, and they have a different relationship with their vehicles. You’ve probably seen many well-used...
Owning a second home in France can be a smart financial move. Every year tourists flock to the country’s charming villages to enjoy the famous food and wine. The South of France remains a top vacation destination, with its sunny climate and relaxed lifestyle....
Every country boasts a ‘National Sport’. Depending on whose opinion you believe, what time of year it is, and even what part of the country you are in, opinions will vary. In France however, there can be little doubt that cycling is up near the top of the...