If you filed French income taxes in 2016, you may have recently received a letter from URSSAF asking for money.L’addition finally arrives After letting both 2016 and 2017 pass without collecting social security contributions for public health coverage,...
Last September, Cancer Support France (CSF) groups all across France organized “Activity for Life” events to raise awareness and funds for the national and regional charities. At Renestance, we know what a fantastic job CSF do helping English-speakers...
Would you like to know more about healthcare in France besides it’s ‘the best in the world’? Are you moving to France and don’t know whether you need private insurance or can obtain French public Assurance Maladie? Whether you’re looking...
To find out, we talked to Theo Platings about her work for Cancer Support France Languedoc.Theo Platings has lived in France for 26 years and, fortunately for CSF, she discovered them just as she was slowing down work-wise and had more time on her hands. Add in the...
The old French proverb “Qui n’a santé n’a rien” is similar to the saying “the greatest wealth is health.” As we know, however, access to high quality healthcare varies greatly from country to country. So, it’s not...
Cancer and its treatment is difficult enough in your own country but in a new land and in a strange language it can be very, very, complex indeed.Can you imagine how you would cope if you had to face the diagnosis of cancer while living in France? Perhaps you have...
Are you one of the twenty five percent of Americans who have considered fleeing the U.S. if Trump becomes president? If so, do you know where to go, or what it takes to make these fugitive dreams a reality?While Canada has historically been the de facto escape route...
NEW (SEPTEMBRE 2017)! Check our new ebooks on the French Health sytem and how to apply for a Carte Vitale. CLICK HERE We start this New Year with some great news! In a nutshell, from 1st January 2016, ANYONE who has moved to France and been living in the country...