Buying Property In France Masterclass

The only Masterclass that helps you make your French Dream Home a reality in 2024

In the United States, real estate is a very organized process.

In France… not so much.

Length of time to close escrow, transfer fees, the order in which things are done: all new to us!

-Renestance buyer

Would you like to fast-forward to getting the keys to your “chez vous?”

Are you dreaming of owning a little corner of France, but feel
overwhelmed by the complexities of the real estate process and worried about making costly mistakes?

Dennelle Taylor Nizoux, a native Californian, has been helping buyers successfully secure their French dream homes since 2017. Armed with an Immobilier (real estate) degree and French brokerage license, she is your trusted French property sherpa!

In this Masterclass, Dennelle and her expert guests take you through every twist and turn of the journey, pointing out pitfalls to avoid at every step.

Let’s demystify the whole process for you – from figuring out where to search all the way through to closing the sale and moving in. Dennelle and her expert guest speakers share guidance, insider tips, and case studies so you can feel informed, confident and empowered.

This course is perfect for you if:


You aren't familiar with the French real estate market and want to avoid making costly mistakes,


You’re frustrated by the lack of clear, up-to-date information and guidance to help form your buying plan,


Your target area is so vast that house-hunting feels overwhelming,


You’ve found your dream home but don’t know what to do next,


You're gathering information and hatching your plan to buy, but you're not clear on how to proceed,


You want to be smart with your budget so you prefer to avoid additional agency fees and consultant fees as much as possible,


You're considering a renovation, and want to make smart, cost-effective choices,


You want to buy an investment property and maximise your returns,


You want support and guidance from experts and people who can give you clear, concise, up-to-date advice.

Why now?

If you want the keys to your French home in 2024 – now’s the time to jump on this opportunity.


This Masterclass is the only one of its kind!

This is an exclusive opportunity for English-speakers seeking to buy property in France in 2024.

Securing your French dream home can be a long process.

By taking this Masterclass, you’ll be ready to take action when an opportunity arises and avoid unnecessary, additional delays! Get your French dream home sooner by getting the right advice at the right time.

Don’t go it alone.

Join the founding members of our community of buyers. Feel the support of going through the process together. As part of the masterclass you’ll have access to an exclusive group of fellow buyers for 12 months.

Did someone say bonuses?

We’ve partnered up with experts and service providers to get you special offers and discounts. See below for details. These special bonuses are only available for a limited time. Act now to avail!




Launch price


(Payment plans available on request)

This information and tailored guidance you’ll get in the Masterclass would cost over €3,500 in consultant fees and expenses outside of this Masterclass. Being informed means you side-step extra fees and costly mistakes!

Renestance Success Story

Meet Stephanie and John Vanderslice, two college professors who chose to partner with Renestance to make their dream of owning a home in France a reality.

Stephanie and John, despite their extensive research, realized the need for expert guidance to navigate the complexities of buying property in France. From securing a reliable currency exchange service to finding a trustworthy home insurance provider and connecting with an English-speaking notaire, Dennelle and the Renestance team were there every step of the way.

We’re very grateful to Stephanie and John for sharing their story, and how through the support of Renestance the process of securing their French property was smooth and they felt confident throughout the experience.

Why join the Masterclass?

There are many differences in buying French property and many unspoken rules! Instead of letting one of the many pitfalls ruin the chances of having your French home, enroll in this Masterclass to:

💰 Save Money

Find out how to conduct an effective property search without paying an agent. Learn about the process and documents so you don’t have to pay a lawyer/solicitor. Know which financing options are available to you and how to save money on currency transfers. Get tips on how to negotiate the best offer so you don’t overpay. Understand which party bears which costs, so you don’t get stuck footing the bill.

🕓 Save time

Get clear on your criteria, financing, and other essentials BEFORE jumping in, so you don’t end up losing time in a cart-before-the-horse scenario. Avoid delays and wasted time by learning how best to work with French agents. Understand the typical timeline, so you know what’s normal, what can be expedited and what cannot. Avoid making the process even longer by knowing what is expected from you at each step of the process and can prepare.

😌 Save stress

Shake the unease of ‘wandering into the unknown’ by seeing the whole process laid out for you. Feel more confident when interacting with other parties by getting familiar with basic terms and common documents. Learn from others’ experiences, helping you prepare for many possible scenarios. Get answers to your specific questions from qualified experts. Exchange with your fellow Masterclass students in your private, online community, making the experience lighter and more enjoyable for everyone.

The modules in detail:

Module 1: Housing Basics


Lay the foundation by understanding the fundamental concepts of housing in France.

Topics Covered:

Types of housing, legal structures, and key terminology to build a solid understanding.

Module 2 : House-Hunting in France


Navigate the French real estate market with confidence.

Topics Covered:

Strategies for effective house-hunting, market trends, and identifying the right property for your needs.

Module 3: Diagnostics, inspections/surveys, vices cachés


Delve into the crucial aspects of property assessments and potential hidden defects.

Topics Covered:

Understanding diagnostics, conducting inspections, and dealing with vices cachés (hidden defects).

Module 4: Prices, offers, negotiations, total buying cost


Master the art of pricing, crafting offers, and negotiating successfully in the French property market.

Topics Covered:

Pricing strategies, crafting compelling offers, and effective negotiation techniques.

Module 5: Financing, currency


Explore financing options and understand currency exchange.

Topics Covered:

Financing your purchase, managing currency risks, and making informed financial decisions.

Module 6: Precontract, role of notaries


Demystify the role of notaires (legal officers) in the French real estate process.

Topics Covered:

Notarial procedures, legal documentation, and the significance of notaires in property transactions.

Module 7: Buying with others, succession


understanding of the intricacies involved in collaborative buying with others and the critical role of notaires in succession planning.

Topics Covered:

Module 8: Buying a condo


Navigate the unique aspects of purchasing condominiums in France.

Topics Covered:

Condo regulations, rights, responsibilities, and the legalities of condo ownership.

Module 9: Renovating


Understand the ins and outs of property renovation in the French context.

Topics Covered:

Planning renovations, legal considerations, and maximizing the value of your property through strategic upgrades.

Module 10: Cost of ownership


Calculate and manage the ongoing costs associated with owning property in France.

Topics Covered:

Property taxes, maintenance expenses, and understanding the total cost of ownership.

Module 11: Letting a property, investment


Topics Covered:

Module 12: Closing ceremony, round table, panel Q&A, case studies


Celebrate the end of the masterclass and reflect on your journey.

Engage in a dynamic discussion with experts, ask burning questions, and explore real-life case studies


Recognition of achievements, sharing success stories, and a glimpse into the next steps.

Round table discussions, panel Q&A sessions, and in-depth analysis of practical scenarios.

How the course works:

🏡 Dynamic & flexible Learning

Interactive Modules:

Dive into detailed sessions covering all the nitty-gritty, from building surveys to closing costs, and beyond.

Discuss with your Masterclass-mates and course leaders in your dedicated, online community.

Jump into the live coaching calls to revisit course learnings and benefit from real-time Q&A sessions.

Convenient Times:

Join live or catch the pre-recorded sessions whenever it’s convenient for you, at whatever pace and however many times as you wish.


Access the masterclass on various devices, ensuring flexibility and convenience.

Resource-Rich Learning:

Access terms, model contracts, documents, checklists, and guides to enhance your learning experience.

Organized Curriculum:

Enjoy a structured learning path that guides you seamlessly through each module, ensuring a comprehensive understanding.

🎙️ Direct Interaction with Dennelle & her team of experts

Q&A Sessions:

We want to make sure everything is clear, so you will be able to ask your questions to the subject matter experts during the live coaching calls and in the dedicated online space.

Engage in dynamic discussions with the instructors and your classmates, delve into case studies, and get insights on your own, specific project.

🌍 A Supportive Community

Join our closed community of participants on Circle: connect, share insights, and build relationships with others on the same journey.

Discussion Forums:

We have a private, online space dedicated to this Masterclass. Join this exclusive community on the Circle platform to connect, exchange, and build relationships with others on the same journey.

Easy Access to Content:

All-in-One Hub: Access all course materials, live sessions, replays and additional resources in this dedicated and user-friendly space.

Missed a live session? No worries! Each live session is recorded and added to the dedicated online space for convenient playback.

About your Guide

Hi, I’m Dennelle, and I’m going to help you buy your French Dream Home!

Dennelle Taylor Nizoux began her journey in 2000 as a renter in Paris. Since then, she has bought property, renovated it completely, rented it out, sold it, and bought again…with another complete renovation planned soon. Her personal experience of relocating to France inspired her to launch Renestance in 2015. And then, seeing how difficult it was for foreign buyers to navigate the convoluted real estate market in France, she pursued a degree in Immobilier (real estate in French).

That Bachelor’s program provided a foundation in real estate law, French taxation, succession/inheritance, property value estimation, building construction, and other information that is essential to a successful purchase. Since obtaining her French brokerage license in 2017, Dennelle has been helping buyers, foreign and French, to find their dream homes and make sound investments. Her mastery of the intricacies of buying and owning property in France sets her apart and makes her the ideal guide for this masterclass.

Dennelle is dedicated to assisting people to settle in smoothly to life in France. Her courses cover not only the essentials buying process but also the practicalities of moving to and living in France.

“Like you, I once dreamed of having my own chez moi  in France. When Alexandre (my French husband) and I decided to buy a flat in Paris, I assumed that speaking fluent French and having lived there already would make the process straightforward. Haha. We were surprised every step of the way by things that appeared incomprehensible and illogical.

Fortunately for you, you can learn from our mistakes and bewilderment. I’ve poured the learnings from my experience, both first-hand and accompanying Renestance’s buyers, into a Buying Property in France Masterclass that turns confusion into clarity, overwhelm into confidence, pitfalls into stepping stones, and dreams into addresses.”

partners & guest speakers

Ruth Semple

Ruth Semple


Fiona Warren

Fiona Warren

Currency Expert

Bilingual Notaire

Bilingual Notaire

Chambre des Notaires

Isaac Barchichat

Isaac Barchichat

Certified Tax Accountant

Avoid costly mistakes and navigate the French real estate market with ease!

This information and tailored guidance would cost over €3,500 in expert fees outside of this Masterclass. And the amount you could save by being informed and side-stepping costly mistakes is immeasurable!

Limited Time Bonuses!

Exclusive Discounts on Expert services. Details  coming soon.


I am too busy / not ready!

If your schedule is packed, no worries! The whole program can be done asynchronously. Just watch the course videos at your own pace, and drop your questions or comments in the Masterclass dedicated Circle space for someone to help you out.

Got a bit more time on your hands? Engage with the content, complete the exercises, actively participate in the Circle space, and jump onto the live coaching calls (VIP program) for real-time discussions and Q&As.

Ultimately, you have the power to customize your level of involvement each week, adjusting based on your energy and availability. Trust me; it’s designed to be a relaxing and rewarding experience.

Everything you gain from this course will not only save you time but also preserve your energy for the joy of securing your dream property in France!

I don't have the money...

The cost of enrolling in the Buying in France Masterclass is a fraction of what you might spend on an individual consultant, solicitor etc… It’s much more cost-effective, offering you significant savings. Consider it an investment in your journey toward French property ownership, and trust me, it’s worth every penny.

This investment isn’t just financial—it’s an investment in your life, and the returns are invaluable.

I can do this by myself!

Yes, when it comes to buying real estate in France, reading books and watching YouTube videos can offer insights, but putting that knowledge into action is a whole different ball game. It’s not just about accumulating information; it’s about knowing where to start, the sequence of steps to follow, and actively implementing a new approach.

The Buying in France Masterclass is meticulously designed in a strategic order to guarantee results. Each module builds on the previous, providing a roadmap for your property acquisition journey. I guide you through weekly exercises, ensuring that you not only gain knowledge but actively apply it in the context of buying real estate.

We tackle the nuances of unexpected reactions or challenges that may arise during the process. This way, we navigate the intricacies together, ensuring you see tangible progress quickly and with certainty. The course is not just about avoiding pitfalls; it’s about making informed decisions that move you closer to your dream property in France.


“We have benefited from two amazing experts` vast knowledge and truly personal advice on several occasions and realized we could not have done it all without them.

Their wealth of experience and recommendations for useful contacts has helped us opening French bank accounts with ease, lodging for long term stay visa, finding our way around property purchase and contacting reliable tradesmen.

Life is much brighter and easier when we have a fantastic back up team like Renestance. Thank you”

“I am so very glad I used Renestance service instead of trying to find a place to live on my own.

France is a unique country with particular ways of doing business and Dennelle and her associates know how to find the perfect place and how to negotiate through the utilities and communications the customer needs.

Dennelle is also very kind, professional, and cares that all goes smoothly. Very happy to have met her and worked with Renestance.”

“I know I would have been crazy to try to do everything myself.

Even if I were fluent in French (I am not), I still would have had a lot of problems because of the differences in how things are done in France versus the US.

Someone would have to have infinite patience and be able to avoid becoming frustrated due to problems and failures if they tried to handle the real estate themselves.”

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the Masterclass start?

You will get access to the course material and your dedicated Masterclass space in Circle as soon as your enrollment is confirmed.

Where does the Masterclass take place?

The entire Masterclass will live on Circle, our all-in-one community platform designed to enhance your learning experience. You will access the 12 pre-recorded modules, all course materials and exercises from this same hub. The live coaching calls (VIP program) will take place by videoconference.

How much time do I need to commit?

We understand your schedule may vary. Generally, plan for a couple of hours a week, but we’ve designed the program to be flexible, adapting to your needs and preferences.

What do I get access to?

As a participant, you’ll have exclusive access to our Circle community platform. This includes a wealth of forums, event spaces, e-resources, replays of all sessions, and participation in both live and recorded sessions.

How does Circle work?

Circle is a central hub for community learning.

Access all masterclass content, including live sessions, guides, checklists, and additional resources, in one central location.

Playback Convenience: Missed a live coaching session? No worries! Everything is recorded for playback, allowing you to go at your own pace.

Connect with Peers: Engage with fellow participants, share experiences, and build valuable connections within our exclusive community.

Dive deeper into specific topics through dedicated discussion groups, ensuring focused and meaningful conversations.

Stay Informed: The event calendar keeps you up-to-date on live sessions, guest speaker events, and e-resources release dates. Receive notifications for upcoming events, ensuring you never miss a crucial session.

Ask and Learn: Have questions? The Q&A forum is the go-to place for seeking answers and engaging with your peers.

Easy Access: Find all your essential resources, including terms, model contracts, and documents, conveniently stored in our dedicated library.

Learn Anywhere: Circle is accessible on various devices, allowing you to participate in the masterclass wherever you are.

Is this a one-time offer?

As of now, yes, this is a unique opportunity. Secure your spot in the Buying in France Masterclass while it’s available.

What dates / times do the live calls take place where I live?

The live calls (VIP program) will take place bi-weekly, alternating between Tuesdays at 6pm Paris/9am LA/12 pm New York/5 pm London and Thursdays at 10pm Paris/1pm LA/8am Sydney/4pm New York/9pm London.

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